"Tenuta Pordenovo" is a VR application designed for Retex to promote eco-products. It enables users to navigate through immersive 360° photos and videos, allowing exploration of the historic Podernovo winery.
The application was developed in Unity, with VRTK chosen as the VR framework. Developing for VR presented unique UX challenges, such as determining how objects interacted with the player when selected and how the UI elents responded to player focus and position.
The primary challenge I faced was presenting information and item details in the player's field of view in a way that felt natural and unobtrusive. To address this, I designed a simple VR UI system tailored to accommodate quick client requests, and made minor adjustments to the VRTK framework. Additionally, the application is accessible as a website using WebGL technology.
Unity Engine (VRTK) / C# / Photoshop / Blender
Design, Art & Scripting
Oculus Quest / Oculus Rift / Web application